This week, we published a long-awaited and much requested feature in With this release, you can add data charts to Stories and publish Stories to social networks! This greatly increases your organization's ability to move people to action and keep your stakeholders informed by seamlessly combining data, narrative and visuals.
Add charts to story answers by clicking "Insert Chart" in the story builder.

Then, publish your Story to twitter, LinkedIn or facebook to inform your stakeholders and move people to action!

We remain grateful for the recommendations and guidance our customers and partners have provided - and hope you'll see your priorities reflected in this release. Check out the following release notes for a detailed list of improvements and fixes to the platform:
A. Stories
Add Charts to Stories: Users can now add data visualization for indicators into their stories via just a couple clicks. Currently, only data from one indicator can be added to each story answer, but the ability to add data visualization for multiple indicators to a single story answer will be coming in a future release.
Share Stories on Social Media: It’s now possible to share stories published via to Twitter, LinkedIn and facebook directly from the platform.
Story Answer Options: There are now three distinct action buttons for adding supplemental content into story answers: Insert Image, Insert Chart, and Paste Project Content. The former two sit next to each other, while the latter sits within the toolbar of the story answer text box, but has been aesthetically updated to stand out more than it did previously.
B. Bug Fixes and Minor UI Improvements
Onboarding: On the ‘registration success’ page, the default Display Name is now blank for users who sign up via email, and matches the full name for users who sign up via Google or Microsoft.
Projects Page: Project Title is now required to create a project in order to avoid untitled projects, which could become confusing.
Projects Page: When adding a new project to a program, the program pop-up screen is no longer in the incorrect spot.
Projects Page: The presentation of target and baseline data on the Project Page has been improved aesthetically.
Logframe: When adding a global indicator (i.e., indicator added in Project Elements) in the context of a Logframe, the detail screen for said indicator has user-friendly text (i.e., no code is displayed, and numbers aren’t displayed instead of prose).
Logframe: When typing in the name for a new custom indicator (i.e., not one pulled in from Project Elements), but not actually creating the indicator, the typed text no longer is retained in that text box and does not appear in other similar text boxes on the screen.
Logframe: On the data grid, rolling over the Data Collection Timeframe, and Baseline or Target links now shows the correct icon—a pointer finger rather than a text entry bar.
Logframe: For old indicators that didn’t have an auto-generated Data Collection Timeframe, the default year for the calendar date picker is no longer 1900.
Logframe: Some details (e.g., Incremental vs. Cumulative) were not being displayed on the Indicator Setup screen for global indicators being pulled into a Logframe, but now are.
Logframe: Custom disaggregates from one indicator were populating in other indicators that also had custom disaggregates. This ‘pollution’ is no longer occurring.
Logframe: In some instances, the dots on the line graph were not connecting chronologically. All dots now connect in chronological order, regardless of the order in which data points are entered.
Logframe: Result data not linked to dimensions OR result data (accidentally) linked to repeated locations were causing errors that have now been resolved.
Stories: Deleting the title and author no longer removes the text boxes for these fields.
Project Elements: The correct tooltip is now showing on Unit of Measurement for existing global indicators.
Project Elements: It’s no longer possible to add a global indicator without all required fields being completed OR to remove required fields and successful save the indicator.
Team Administration: Team administrators can now manually add >25 users to their team via the admin screen; the previous max for this function was 25 users.
C. Backend and Security Updates (Private)