🎙️ Impact Measurement Product Demo
A collection of insightful and demo videos on how b.world can make impact measutement easy, accessible, and yes, fun!
📣 Welcome to EP5: How to fall in love with impact measurement
We are introducing a new impact measurement dashboard consolidating all key pieces of information from across the platform and projects into a single, sleek view. Say goodbye to having everything everywhere all of the time to having everything you need right at your fingertips (mic drop).
One of the standout features of the impact measurement dashboard is the SDG Alignment Panel. This panel shows you how your projects align with the Sustainable Development Goals that you selected. Clicking on an icon will show you all the associated projects aligned with the specific SDG, making it super easy to navigate your progress and stay on top of your impact.
But that's not all! Our new impact measurement dashboard is all about aggregating data and results, making it easier for you to understand and ensure data transparency. You’ll have direct access to the AI-powered and human-powered generated insights pulled from different places across the platform, including the indicator data charts. This panel helps you get a quick overview of the critical insights from your projects and the ability to share you impact measurement with key shareholders swiftly.
Ready to see the impact measurement platform in action? Hear it first from our software engineers, Daniel Rosenthal. Don’t forget to register or log in and explore the new feature for yourself. We can’t wait to hear what you think!
Check out the full impact measurement series here: