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Enhanced stakeholder views promote expedited decision making and sharing of key project information

Collating Key Stakeholder Information

With this release comes improvements to the stakeholder information experience, both within the project and at the global level. Not only did we introduce a handful of new fields for capturing additional information about stakeholders but, more importantly, we’ve collated information about related stakeholders, projects, and indicators into a single view to enable a more informative and holistic viewing and seamless navigation experience. Our hope is that by reducing the amount of time to gather and review key information, social impact professionals will be able to expedite and be more effective with data analysis and decision making, putting them in a better position to serve the causes, and the stakeholders, that they’re so passionate about.

Project-Level Stakeholder Screens

On the project-level stakeholder screens, we’ve added a couple new fields to capture additional important information:

Type and Role Details

On Person stakeholder cards, there’s now a Role/Title field. And on Organization stakeholder cards, for any selected organization type—not just ‘Other’—you can enter a Subtype to further define the organization type.

Custom ID

On Organization and Thing stakeholders, there is now a Custom ID field. The purpose of this new field is to help teams where assigning a numeric ID is used for logging, tracking, and/or reporting purposes, and to ease traceability of information between and other systems that the organization uses.

A subtype can be defined for organization types, and Custom IDs can also be added to further define organizations

A role/title can now be documented for people stakeholders

Moreover, and perhaps more significantly, project-level stakeholder screens are no longer just a place to enter details about a stakeholder on a project; they’re a place to see additional relational information about that stakeholder. Organization and Thing the stakeholder types have been enhanced with the following information:


Organization stakeholders on a project now list all indicators on that project where that organization exists, all other projects where that organization exists, and all people who are a part of that organization. (On Person stakeholder screens, you can select which organization a person belongs to.)


Like Organization stakeholders, Thing stakeholders on a project now list all indicators on that project where that Things exists, and all other projects where that Thing exists. Coming soon, you’ll be able to affiliate a Thing with an Organization and see these affiliations on the respective Organization stakeholder screens.

Project-level 'organization' stakeholder screens now list all indicators where the organization is present on that project, as well as all affiliated people and projects

Project-level 'thing' stakeholder screens now list all indicators where the thing is present on that project, as well as all affiliated projects

To provide a more seamless and logical user experience given the new information on these stakeholder screens, the initial view is now read-only, whereas the default view was editable previously. Users must now click Edit to modify stakeholder details.

Additionally, clicking the new Details link at the bottom right of each Stakeholder screen will open a new tab and navigate the user to the corresponding global page for that stakeholder. The below section details the improvements we’ve made to the global stakeholder screens.

Project-level stakeholders screens now have an Edit button for opening up all editable fields, while the Details link navigates users to the more detailed screen for the stakeholder, which lives within the Global Stakeholders section of the platform

Global Stakeholder Screens

The global stakeholder screens were completely redesigned in this release. Now, these screens provide a “blown out” view of the information on the project-level stakeholder screens, showing all indicators and indicator data for all projects where Organization and Thing stakeholders exist. (Because we do not allow indicator data to be captured for people, Person stakeholder pages will essentially have the same information as the corresponding project-level pages.) The indicator data can be filtered, and PNGs of indicator graphs can be downloaded, just like on an indicator’s Chart tab on the Logframe screen, and the component indicator breakdown on a Results details page.

Of course, these screens still include the ability to view and edit the same basic stakeholder information that you can at the project level (e.g., type, notes, role, etc.).

Our goal with these revamped stakeholder pages is to offer a one-stop-shop for seeing anything and everything about a stakeholder, which can be crucial for more easily evaluating stakeholder performance, determining a project’s next steps with respect to a stakeholder, and reporting to upper management or external parties, especially when there are stakeholders that are involved in multiple projects across an organization.

Snapshot of new and improved 'organization' stakeholder screen in the Global Stakeholders section of the platform, which includes all recorded indicator data for that stakeholder

Minor Bug Fixes and UI Enhancements

  • Project Overview: ‘Thing’ stakeholders could not be deleted from a project, but this issue has been fixed.

  • Project Overview: When creating a new stakeholder, the Name field on the stakeholder dialogue was not populating with the entered name if the entered name didn’t already exist in Global Stakeholders. This is no longer an issue.

  • Project Logframe: It is now possible to add tags to Goals and Objectives on a Logframe. This was spawned by our desired to align with the Basic Tier for Common Approach’s Common Impact Data Standard (CIDS).

  • Project Logframe: Logframe downloads—including the options to download with and without data—are working once again.

  • Project Logframe: In addition to the other file types already available for downloading a logframe, JSON-LD is now available. This was by spawned by our desire to align with Common Approach’s CIDS as mentioned above.

  • Global Stakeholders: Locations were only saving on stakeholders being edited, but not on newly created ones. This issue has been fixed.

  • Project Elements: Global dimensions added to global indicators weren’t being preserved when said indicators were pulled into projects, but now they are.

  • Team Administration: Users can now add their organization’s legal name and a team description in the Team Details section of this page. The team’s Admin Email address is also exposed. This was by spawned by our desire to align with Common Approach’s CIDS.

  • Team Administration: A series of interesting Team Statistics is now displayed at the top of the screen.

As always, please continue to share your feedback and let us know what you love or if anything is not functioning as expected in the platform. If you're new to, check out a video overview of the platform and then sign up for a free 30-day trial here! Thank you for your ongoing involvement and insight as we strive to design and build the best we can for you and your social impact colleagues around the world.

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